Saturday, January 23, 2010

The End

Well, our book has come to an end. And what an ending it was! Simple, yet unexpected. Or did you expect the ending? In fact, how did you feel about the book as a whole? Who were your favorite characters? Which parts were your favorite? What kind of future do you see for Natalie? How did Moose step into his Mom's shoes for once? What might happen with Moose and Piper in the future?

And after you've made some predictions, check out Gennifer Choldenko's sequel, Al Capone Shines My Shoes, to see how closely your predictions match.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

And the plot thickens!

Our lovely SD weather has put us a bit behind in our reading. However, we are now in the final section of our book. Please feel free to comment on any of the following OR to share your own opinions, comments, and open-ended questions about our most recent read aloud chapters.

1) How do you feel about Moose's like-hate relationship with Piper. He mentions at one point something to the effect that he didn't think he could "like someone as much as he disliked Piper". What do you think? Why? (provide support)
2) Do you think Piper is being mean or honest about Natalie whenever she has confronted Moose about Natalie in the most recent chapters? Why do you think the way you do? (provide support)
3) How did you feel when Moose's Dad (Cam) finally stood up to Helen (Moose's mom)? How do you think Moose felt?
4) How has Natalie improved? Do you think she'll get into the Esther P. Marinoff the second time around? Why/why not?
5) Do you think Natalie understands love? Why/why not?

Again, check back often, and feel free to comment on specific students' posts.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Things have gotten pretty interesting now that 105 has entered the picture. How do you feel about what's happened this week? In what ways has the Convict 105 affected other characters? How might he affect the characters in the future? Also, the Esther P Marinoff interview is a few weeks away. What are your thoughts on Natalie and her progress?

Share your thoughts on these questions and pose your own. We'll pick up again after Christmas, so enjoy the holidays!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Hi there!

BRRR! Welcome to winter! Moose's winter in California didn't seem all that fun either with the rain (except on baseball days), but at least he didn't have subzero temps.

Feel free to post your thoughts on the first chapters of Part II. Share your opinions of Piper's latest scheme, how Natalie is getting along, Moose's feelings about Piper, and his search for a convict baseball. As always, work to back up your comments and opinions with details from the book. And please ask some good open-ended questions to keep the conversation going. Finally, check back regularly and respond to other kids' posts.

Stay warm, and keep blogging!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Week 4

Hi there,

With Thanksgiving break thrown in the mix, it wasn't as easy to get reading in. But now that we have a full week, it's time to get back to blogging.

What are your opinions of recent events? Why do you feel the way you do? What would you do if or how would you feel if you were in Moose's shoes? Why? Do you have predictions about what might happen next? Why do you think the way you do? What are questions you have for our bloggers based on the reading? What parts of the book have surprised, saddened, amused you? why? Which characters can you relate to, or which characters do you enjoy the most? Why?

Be specific when backing up your opinions. Also, be sure to post about recent events rather than things that have happened earlier in the story.

As always, check back frequently and respond to other students' posts.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Week 3

We've been learning some more about Moose, his school, his family, and some of the other kids on Alcatraz. How do you feel about some of the new characters - like Piper, Annie, Jimmy, Miss Bimp, the Warden, Scout? What are your opinions about the laundry scheme, the Alcatraz rules, convict baseballs, or the fact that Natalie isn't "ready" for the Esther P. Marinoff?

Post your comments, opinions, and questions. Remember, when you share opinions and comments, you MUST back up your ideas with specific text examples.

Happy blogging!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Week 2

Hi all! By now we've finished several chapters of our book. What do you think about what's been going on so far? How are you feeling about the characters? What do you think might happen next? How do you feel about the author's descriptions and the way she's set up the plot and conflicts so far?

Consider any of these questions, OR write your own opinions, comments, and open-ended questions.

Remember to check back frequently. We had some technical difficulties the first week, so hopefully we're able to get more posts accomplished this time around.