Saturday, January 23, 2010

The End

Well, our book has come to an end. And what an ending it was! Simple, yet unexpected. Or did you expect the ending? In fact, how did you feel about the book as a whole? Who were your favorite characters? Which parts were your favorite? What kind of future do you see for Natalie? How did Moose step into his Mom's shoes for once? What might happen with Moose and Piper in the future?

And after you've made some predictions, check out Gennifer Choldenko's sequel, Al Capone Shines My Shoes, to see how closely your predictions match.


  1. Well, I did not expect the ending,but i LOVED the book, it was a verry good book! =] My fav part of the book was the ending, because i liked the letter that Moose wrote to Al Capone, but anyways what was your fav part in the book??? =]

  2. I liked the book very well. Exspecially when I found out that Al Capone somehow put a note in Mosse's shirt. That is why the book is called Al Capone Does My Shirts. When Al Capone was washing Moose's shirt he stuck a note in his pocket. It said "done." Al CSpone gave money to the Esther P. Marinoff so they could add a new addition to the school for older disabled people. BEcause Natalie is 16 she could not go to the school because you had to be 12 or younger to sign in. After Al Capone gave money to the school Natalie was excepted. I liked the book very much. Did you?

  3. I liked the book. I think Natalie should have got into Esther P.Marnoff the first time. My favorite part of the book is when Moose found Al Capone's note in his pocket. What was your favorite part of the book?

  4. Well I thaought that the book was really good. My favorite characters were Natile, Piper, & Moose.

    Did you think that Natile was going to get into the Ester P. Marinoff?

    When Moose was on the boat when his parents were standing at the docks with the wardden, did you think that Moose was in trouble.

  5. I liked the book because it was so intresting to hear that Natalie made it to the Esther P. Marinoff. My facorite part of the book was when they went on the boat and found Mrs. Capone and had her take Rocky and calm him down. Did you like the book? If you liked the book what was your favorite part in it?

  6. I didn't think that Natilie would get into Esther P. Marinoff. I thought that Moose would get in trouble if he put that note in the pile of notes that have been looked at. Luckily Al Capone helped Natilie get into the Esther P. Marinoff. in the end he said "done". I was sooo happy for Natilie. I thought it was so cool that he put the note into Moose's shirt, because he washes his shirts. that was THE best book ever.
    What do you think will happen in the next book Al Capone Shines My Shoes? Do you think that Moose and Piper will go out? Do you think that Natilie will do better in Esther P. Marinoff?

    ~!Angela Feather!~:) :] :)

  7. I did not like the book very well. My favorite part was when the tried pulling the Al Capone do you shirt for money. I sorta liked the ending. I don't want to read the second book. Are you going to? Did you like the book? and why?

  8. Austin,
    I agree that Nat should have gotten in the first time but I like that it all happened in the end. I'm reading the 2nd book and it has even more twists in it. Piper and Moose even get close to kissin!!! Do you think that everyone will live a happy ever after???

  9. I think the book was fantastic, awesome it was really good. I like all the characters. My favorite part was when Natalie and 105 were sitting together and 105 was saying a hole bunch of weird stuff to her and then Moose came and found them and freaked out it was funny.So what was your favorite par in the book?

  10. I liked the book very well. I think it was cool that Natile got into the school and how Al Capone helped her. I liked the book and I think i will read the next one. i liked Piper and I liked how she somewhat helped Natile. Did You like the book?

  11. I am really happy about the book ending. We finally found out what the title of the book means. But the whole thing with 105 is still confusing me. Will we ever know how him and Natalie ever got so close?

  12. Hello!
    I really liked the book. I think that Nat should have gotten into Ester P. Marinoff the first time. I really think that what Al Capone did was amazing. Especially he is a convict and probably isn't the nicest guy in the world. I can't believe he paid the school to add another school for kids over 12 and she was 16. I really thought that Moose liked Piper more than anybody. He would always have second thoughts about her. Do you think they liked eachother? Do you think that Natalie will succeed?

  13. Amanda!
    Totally agreed. I was sooo shocked when Al help them, IT WAS CRAZY! Loved how he put the note in Moose's shirt.
    But anyways the book was amazing...way better than thought to be...
    So what was your favorite part of the book?

  14. I liked the book a lot.When moose asked for al capones help it was cool how he put it in the shirt. Did you like that part.

  15. hahahaha "Done" that was like the best part of the book!!!! i wonder what will happen in book 2 "Al Capone shines My shoes" ?

  16. I liked the book because alcapone stuck the note in the pocket of mooses shirt. Thaqt was the most exciting part of the book. There was nothing more exiciting part by a long shot. Even more than 105.

  17. Amanda, I agree with you about the book being very good book. Also my favorite part of the book was when Al Capone helped moose get Natalie into the Esther P. Marinoff. At first I thought that moose was going to get caught with the letter but when he didn’t I was then a little worried that Al Capone wouldn’t help moose get Natalie into the Esther P. Marinoff. Why was the ending your favorite part?

  18. i liked the ending to though and its funny he supposedly was planning to open another wing

  19. I don't know what the ending was about. Could somebody fill me in please?

  20. sclark, i agree with you. Do you wrestle

  21. My favorite part was also when Al Capone put the note in his shirt. Even though I didn’t expect Al Capone to put the note in his shirt I knew somehow al Capone had so thing to do with shirts because of the title of the book. At first I thought Al Capone did his laundry but then I thought he had to reply somehow so that was one way.

  22. i think that was a good ending like in a superman movie when hes like fine arthor... and then it just like ENDS it makes me kinda mad like that. or in those soap operas when this random dude that kills everyone knocks on your door and he sais "hey son" and it is suddenly black.

  23. ya my favorite part of the book was when moose was taking everyone home and it was just moose and piper were all alone it was kinda romantic i thought that they were going to kiss.

  24. I really liked the ending of the book. Natalie finally made it into the Ester P Marinoff, and things are finally going to start calming down between the mom, the dad, and Moose. I liked how the book ended with Moose reading the note from Al Capone, and how the last word of the book was “Done.” I thought it was really cool that Al Capone actually did what Moose asked, and that he replied by putting a not in Moose’s shirt. You finally know why the book was called, “Al Capone Does My Shirts.” I really want to read the next book because I liked this one so much.

  25. Amanda and Robert, I think the ending was my favorite part of the book. I liked when Moose pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket that said “Done.” Overall it was a very good book. I think the ending of the book was excited but yet daring. The daring part was when Moose and Piper put the typed out a letter and sent it to Al Capone. I can’t wait for the sequel.

  26. I hope we get to read the 2nd one, because i like learning about historic stuff even tho the characters in the 1st weren't real!

  27. WHY DID THE BOOK HAVE TO END!!!! WHY!!!! Sniffle Sniffle. I want to read the next book. How about you? I wonder what happens next. What do you question of all is... What did all of yals think of the book? Blog me back. Plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. :D

  28. I thought the ending was cool. it was simple, yet exciting. i wish i could read the sequel!

  29. Mike why was Piper, Natalie and Moose you r favorite characters? At first I didn’t think that Natalie was going to get in to the Ester P. Marinoff, but then when moose wrote the letter to Al Capone I knew that Natalie was going to get into the Natalie into the Ester P. Marinoff. At first I thought that moose was going to get into trouble but then they said that Natalie had gotten into the Ester P. Marinoff. Did you like the end of the book? Why?

  30. I also like the end of the book, how Moose got his shirt and there was a note. It’s a good way to wrap up the ending, because the whole time we were reading this book I wondered why they called it “Al Capone Does My Shirts. “Mike”, I thought they figured out that he sent the letter to Al Capone and he got in trouble, when Moose’s family was at the dock with the warden.

  31. I really thought that the book ended well, and that it sets you up for the next book. I think that Al Capone might have done that for Moose and Natalie so as to attone for his past mistake.

  32. Maddie,
    I agree with you. I relaly wanted ot find out more about what happened between 105 and Natalie. I wanted to know what they did when they were together and what they talked about.Maybe it will talk about it more in the next book. Hopefully we will find out eventually.

  33. My favorite part in the book was the ending because I am glad that Nat got in the Ester P. But I think that in the 2 book. I think that 105 will shine shoes for a living. So I hope to read the 2 book.

  34. I was so happy to, that Al Capone helped Moose get Natile in the Ester P. Marinoff. I also can’t wait to read the sequel of the book called Al Capone shines my shoes. I thought that Piper and Moose should have got together but who knows by the look of what happened in the ending I think they might possibly get together in the sequel.

  35. I am so glad for Natile, that she got in! Thanks to Al Capone. I liked how at the end when there was a note in Moose's pocket, that said "Done". I also think Piper has a crush on Moose, cause she is always bothering him, and when she asked him if he was leaving. I wonder if Moose likes her too? What do you think?

  36. I am also glad that Nat got into the Ester P. Maranoff. i thought it was really cool that Al Capone would help Nat.
