Friday, November 20, 2009

Week 3

We've been learning some more about Moose, his school, his family, and some of the other kids on Alcatraz. How do you feel about some of the new characters - like Piper, Annie, Jimmy, Miss Bimp, the Warden, Scout? What are your opinions about the laundry scheme, the Alcatraz rules, convict baseballs, or the fact that Natalie isn't "ready" for the Esther P. Marinoff?

Post your comments, opinions, and questions. Remember, when you share opinions and comments, you MUST back up your ideas with specific text examples.

Happy blogging!


  1. I am going to vent about Moose having to babysit Natalie. That is just soooo wrong on soooo many levels. I could see him watching her when his mom has piano lessons, but all the stinkin' time?!?!!?!? I would seriously blow up. I don't want to take my little sibling everywhere. Mooses mom really should stop believing everything that these people tell her. Especially at Mooses exspence.

  2. I think Natalie is ready for the Ester P Marinoff, they just dont take time to help Natalie.

  3. I think Moose is recieving the short end of the deal with Natalie. I sure wouldn't like it. WHat do you think about Moose and Natalie? Do you think scout will find away to bring a game to tuesday? What will happen with Moose and Natalie?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I think that Scout will change the game to Tuesday because Moose convinced him that the convicts play on Tuesday. Also Moose told Scout that if they hit the ball over they will be able to keep it forever.

    Do you think Scout will change the game to Tuesday for Moose’s sake? Why or Why not?
    Do you think Piper and Moose will maybe become boyfriend and girlfriend?
    Do you think Moose will get caught talking about Al Capone?

  6. I think Piper is a snob because she gets whatever she wants, and her dad spoils her too much. But sooner or later, I think she is going to get in trouble, because she has Moose back her up on talking about Al Capone and which she should'nt. I would stop helping Piper talk about Capone.

  7. `The deal with Natalie going wherever Moose goes is going to end up working, but moose will need time to himself if the program is going to work. The thing that proves my statement is when he was in the bathroom arguing with his mom. What do you think? I feel that the laudry sceem is going to work out well till mouse can't handle the presure and tell!

  8. Natalie doesn't have adhd or downsydrom. my sister has downsydrom and she is just fine, she goes to normal school. she talks normal too but people with downsydrom just have a bit different speech. im sure natalie has a type of extreme austism. also tyler meant he thought she had some sort of mental challenge not that she was stupid or mentally retarded whcih doesn't mean dumb either. please try not to mistake this because mental means mind so they have a harder time learning and doing things like natalie she has to be having some sort of syndrom or autism

  9. Do you think it’s fair that Moose has to babysit Natalie all the time? I think it’s totally unfair that Moose has to babysit Natalie. Also I think that he’s mom is going a little over board on having Natalie be watched by Natalie. What do you think?

    I think that Natalie should have another chance at the Esther P. Marinoff, because it was their fault she screamed. So she should have another chance. What do you think?

  10. I think she isnt ready to be away from her family. at the school, she isnt asked how did the sun rise today? or No darling, no lemon cake.
    she isnt ready for that yet.

  11. i dont like how moose has to babysit natalie he shood have his own life if i was moose i wood talk to my mom.

  12. I can't believe that Natiale wasn't able to go to the school. i can't believe the laundry scheme again. I just hope that Moose doesn't get in trouble. That was kind of sad when Moose's mom told him that he has to watch Natile and he doesn't get to play baseball on mondays. I like the book so far. It is goood! Do you like the book??

  13. Hey Kayla,
    I just told Haley that it is so unfiar. Natalie is not a little girl anymore and she needs to get used to her disability. I think she is responsible enough to stay home alone while her mom gets home from piano lessons. It can't be that long mabey two hours. That is not that long.

  14. Sheridan,
    I totally agree with you. She is a snob and is very spoiled. She is so mean to every one else but does not let her dad she her. She also doesn't let Moose get out of the laundry plan. He's either in the deal or she'll probably tell her dad that it was his plan. I also think that it was rude that she started stuffing clothes in their sack.

  15. Hey Kristina,
    I totally agree with you. I think that it is not fair that he has to take Nat everywhere. I would totally blow up. I could not handle it. When she put on her bathing suit. She wouldn't take it off. Then she lay naked on the kitchen floor saying "I'm swimming." He had to leave to go see Al Capone in 5 minutes. He got her get into her dress by telling her he will take her swimming. She said Moose double, double promise. Then they skip on seeing the cons. So they went on a hill and could still see everything. It would be hard to deal with her. I would not want to be anywhere around her when she had her tantrum.

  16. Hey Kayla, I agree that Nat should have another chance at Esther P. Marinoff. They shouldn't just randomly take away her buttons like that.I think its cool that she watches the sunrise. (trust me,I've watched it before, and it is very beautiful!) what do you think will happe next?

  17. Kayla, i also agree with you. i dont think she should have been kicked out of the school. i think she should be given another chance.

  18. Thad, yeah i agree. But when Natalie took off her cloths in the living room, i kinda though that was weird. Don't you think? And when she got kicked out of school. I thought that was mean, because everyone needs an education. If we weren't smart or anything like that none of us would go to collage. It is VERY important to get good education. Don't you think?

  19. Hey Tanner,
    I agree that Natalie is ready to go to Ester P Marinoff. I love the part when Natalie was wearing a swimming suit. Moose told her she couldn't waer it, so she took all of her clothes off. Don't you? Don you think they will see Al Capone? Why or Why not?

  20. Kayla,
    I do not think that Moose has to watch Natlie.

    I also think that she should also get a second chance at that school to.

  21. Dear Kristina,
    I agree with you on how Moose has to watch his little sister. I would hate to watch my little siblings too. Do you think his mom will ever come to a consideration, on how he has to watch his little sister all the time? Do you think that Moose will tell his mom how much he hates watching his little sister? I think so, but then again I don't think so, because he might not want to tell his mom. Then his mom might not care if he tells her.

  22. Do you think that Nattile is going to get a second chance at the school?

  23. To Kayla:
    I think it is fair that moose has to baby sit Natalie. He has to responcibility for her sometimes.
    That was so funny how Natalie wated to wear her swimming suit. the moose told her to but on some real clothes, and she took of all of her clothes and just layed over on the kitchen floor, Hahaha.
    I wonder if Moose will take Natelie out swimming, or he just lied to get her to get going. What do you think?

  24. I think it is dumb that moose has to take care of his sister when thaey play baseball. It is like the only thing he likes to do. If I was mosse I would stay at baseball game instead of comming home. What do you think he should do?

  25. I think it is so dumb that Moose has to babysit Natile. But, I think its nice that Scout would have moved when they were having baseball.

  26. Thad:
    I think that Moose is mad at Natile. Because he has to babysit her.
    Yes I thimk that Scout will find a way to bring the game to Tuesday.
    - Angela F.

  27. I like the idea of the landery. Do you? I also don't like any of the people in the book. everyones is a big liar. And I don't think that is cool.

  28. Tim,
    I totally agree that you shouldn't call Natalie mental. My thrid cousin has autism and she is really, really smart. She is intelligent, funny, pretty, aned people don't treat her the same. They avoid her. I love her to death. Anyways, people with disabilites are special and they have more to them.


  29. Kayla,
    It is so not fair to Moose that he has to babysit Natalie all the time, especially when he has to miss baseball which is what he loves. I don't understand why his mother wouldn't let him take Natalie along to the games with him. I think that might have been a good thing for Natalie--to get out and see other people. Why do you think Moose's mom won't let him take Natalie along to his games?
    :) Haley :)

  30. If I were Moose I would not want to babysit Natalie. The reason is because hje has to miss baseball.

  31. Kayla I also think that she should get a disopline and that get another chance.

  32. I think it was dumb trying to do the laundery thing. It was not smart at all they knew they would get caught. And I like the new people better than the ones we have.

  33. I think the carecters are nice and not like villent and stuff like that, but they want everything, like the base balls and to meet Al Capone. She isint ready cause she gots a deseize that she only has a certant grade level.

  34. Okay so Piper and Theresa are snobs. Annie and Jimmy are just there. Miss Bimp is one of the more strict teachers. The Warden is the kind of guy that always chooses sides, and Scout is jock.
    The laundry scheme fails and i knew it was going to. Alcatraz rules are really strict for kids but then again it is a prison.
    I so thought that Natalie was so ready for that school but oh well lifes unfair.

  35. Ha, how is every body doing. Is everyone liking the book so far. I think it is cool how Scout is wanting the baseball. I think it is crazy how piper is going to get Scout the convic baseball. Do you think Moose will get the convic baseball. Do you think something will happen to Nateli or Moose. What do you think will go on in the next couple capters. I think something will happen to Nateli and Moose somthing bad or it could be pretty interesting. Something might happen like a convic gets out or someone will excape. I wonder what is their number on the back of the convics clouths.

    ~Austin Everett~
